Andrew, Charles, Graci and Randi at Playlist Live Orlando |
It's summer and that's means most kids are out of school, on
vacation and have more time to be on their phones or other electronics. It's
the age we live in and we can't do too much about it. As a mom, I try to keep
up with my kids and what they are doing on their electronics. I have two
daughters ages 12 and 13, so as you can imagine they are on either their phones
and iPads quite a bit. What's interesting is what my kids do on their phones
and iPads. Most of the time they are watching videos made by YouTubers.
YouTubers are people who create videos and usually star in the videos. These
videos can be anything from their everyday life to do-it-yourself (diy) videos.
These YouTubers or video creators have a fan base. It's incredible when you
really start learning about this whole new world of social media stars.
These YouTubers are like Hollywood actors and actresses, most
of them though aren't on the big screen or on television. They are on social
media sites mainly YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and And yes, they do
make money, some of them make millions of dollars.
I recently went with my girls and my friend's twin boys to a
convention called Playlistlive in Orlando. It's a place where fans and
YouTubers meet. I took my older daughter
Randi by herself the year before and she loved it so much that my other
daughter Graci wanted to go this year. It's the eighth year the convention has
gone on and it truly was an eye opener to me. I had no idea what it was all
about until going the first year and this year I learned even more about this
whole new world of social media from how my kids are influenced to how
companies are marketing.
This convention had all types of YouTubers and Creators.
There are about 500 of them and more than 13,000 fans from all over the United
States. The convention sells out every year. It is three days long and brings
in fans from all walks of life and ages mainly from 13-25 with about 80 percent
who are female. The event includes concerts, panels, meet-and-greets and fan
My kids have their list of YouTubers they watch daily and
some of them were at this convention. They also met new people who they now
follow. When you buy your passes you can purchase meet-and-greets with the
YouTuber or creator you want to meet. These meet-and-greets are great for the
fans. The fans get to talk to their favorite celebrities, take photos and get
autographs. The YouTubers are wonderful and really take time with each fan.
Most of the kids I saw and talked to loved this part of the event. Some were even
star struck.
It's funny as a parent to watch some of the YouTubers who
have a huge following go in the lobby of the hotel and have kids yelling and
chasing them down the hall. It's as if the Beatles were there. I am not
kidding! There's lots of security at this event, so not to worry too much, but
still you have to watch your kids.
I found there was plenty to do throughout the three days. My
kids had meet-and-greets and we watched some of the concerts. One of the
concerts my daughter Randi loved was with Scotty Sire, a YouTuber who does
daily vlogs and some music. She actually had been practicing one of his songs
on piano "Mr. Glassman" for a few months prior and when she heard he
was coming to Playlist, she was so excited to see him live. Yes, she even got a
photo with him when he was walking down the hall.
During the convention they have an area where they sell
merchandise. This year there were more vendors. I always like to ask the
vendors how the YouTubers help them with their products. One of the vendors was
trying to launch their makeup website called Wheesearch, where they help people
find the right makeup products. They were looking for a vlogger to help them
out. I interviewed the founder of the company and she told me by the end of the
convention it looked like they had found someone.
Another company Crofter's Premium Spread, sells organic jams
and they were there because last year a YouTuber Thomas Sanders, said in one of his videos,
"This is the only jelly I'll put in my belly," and their jelly sales
skyrocketed. They ended up making him a spokesperson for their jelly and even
came out with a special jelly called "Logan's Berry" named after one
of his characters on his YouTube channel. They were giving out samples at the
convention and of course my daughter had me buy it.
Yes, YouTubers are huge influencers on our kids of today.
It's important to know who your kids are watching.
To see behind the scenes videos and interviews from
Playlistlive go to Kadi's Facebook page
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