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Friday, July 6, 2012

Great Websites to help you save Time and Money

How I love today’s technology. Every week, I think I learn something new from a website or a smartphone application. We are living in a world where all you have to do is press a button and information is spread or collected on a certain topic.

I have found some great sites that have helped me save a lot of time and some even saved me money while trying to plan and organize events for friends and family.
If you have little kids like me, birthday parties are something every little kids wants to have. In the “old days”, when I was young, my mom would make printed paper invitations or buy invitations at the store. Today, we have Evite. Evite is a site you can go on that you can make an invitation online and send it by email to your friends and family. You can actually see when the recipient opens their email and get a response from them online. No more phone calls to reply if you attending or not attending the party.

It’s not just for kid’s birthday parties, but all occasions. I have sent them for my sister’s bachelorette party and a mom’s night out. You can send it for anything. The designs are fantastic and it doesn’t cost you a cent to make. And the postage is free because you email it.  It makes organizing an event pretty simple. 

Another site I just found out about recently is called, TakeThemAMeal. I have used this site several times now in helping set up meals for friends that have had surgeries and for friends that have had a babies. It is a great way to coordinate meals for people.  I am usually the person organizing meals when people need them, and this site is so easy to use and does all the work for you. It is also free to use. You can schedule the days you want people to bring meals. There is a space for the location to bring the meals to including a map. People bringing the meals put in their phone number and the meal they plan to make and bring.  The site even sends out email reminders, so you don’t forget the date signed up to bring a meal. 

One more site that has helped me in scheduling a Mom’s Nights Out for a group of friends is Doodle. This site makes it easy to coordinate everyone’s schedule and find the perfect night for everyone to get together. You can plug in dates and times and let your friends choose their availability by clicking on the site. It is another free site and is pretty simple to use. Once everyone decides what date is best for them, Doodle will let the creator of the event know which date has the most responses. You can than email everyone on the selected date.

These are just a few sites that I have found helpful in planning events. It really has made my life a lot easier. I am thankful for such wonderful free technology.

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