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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Juicing as a family

The past few months our family started juicing. We thought this would help us get in our fruits and vegetables more and we would become healthier. Our girls ages 9 and 10, started out not really liking the juice, but my husband made them drink a little each day. The funny thing is now they aren’t complaining any more or holding their nose as they drink it. I guess after awhile their taste buds are use to it and it doesn’t bother them as much. Sometimes I will hear them say it had a little too much celery or it was too chunky, but they drink it.

I won’t say that it is easy to juice, because it does cost a little more money, especially if you buy organic produce. It also takes more time than just buying a readymade juice from the store. I think the benefits of juicing yourself fresh produce outweighs everything else.

My husband and I have a system we do almost every other day. I buy the produce. He washes, cuts and juices it. I clean the juicer and any dirty dishes. It’s not that bad when we do it that way. What’s nice is the girls like to help, especially grinding the fruits and vegetables up in the juicer.  
We aren’t experts at juicing. We are starting out slow. We usually only drink it in the morning. We drink a small amount about 4 oz to 6 oz. We try and make enough juice for two mornings. I read you should try and drink the juice right away, but we try and save time by making it for two days. I think we are still getting most of the nutrients. We even found a friend  who likes to take tons of leftover pulp for her animals.

I did some research and found buying organic fruits and vegetables are better for you. If you don’t want to buy organic produce, there is a list from the Environmental Working Group’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticide called the Dirty Dozen. The following are 12 fruits and vegetables known for large amounts of pesticide residue: apples, bell peppers, celery, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, grapes, nectarines, peaches, potatoes, snap peas, spinach and strawberries.  You want to try and buy organic versions of the Dirty Dozen.

Since I am telling you the produce with the most pesticides, here’s EWG’s list of the 15 fruits and vegetables with the least amounts. The following are the Clean Fifteen: asparagus, avocados, cabbage, cantaloupe, cauliflower, corn, eggplant, grapefruit, kiwifruit, mangoes, onions, papayas, peas (frozen), pineapple and sweet potatoes.  (Click here for the list of dirty dozen and clean 15)

At first, I was a little apprehensive about buying organic because of the cost. I have been buying for the past few years organic milk and eggs, but wasn’t buying the fruits and vegetables. After reading several articles and books on juicing, I saw that in the long run it is better for my family.

You are probably wondering if we have seen any positive results. I will tell you that our energy levels are better. Usually in the afternoon we would be tired and ready for a nap and now we don’t feel as sluggish. I know in the past my numbers and my oldest daughter’s numbers were down significantly for cholesterol when we juiced. I plan on getting that checked again soon.

In today’s world of fast food and processed foods, at least I know my family is getting something healthy into our bodies. I am hoping we continue juicing and make this a lifestyle change.

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